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  • Grab 10% Cashback (up to Rs.250) on booking any Flight, Hotel, or Activity worth Rs.1,500 or more, with your Airtel Payments Bank Wallet or Savings account on Cleartrip.

Grab 10% Cashback (up to Rs.250) on booking any Flight, Hotel, or Activity worth Rs.1,500 or more, with your Airtel Payments Bank Wallet or Savings account on Cleartrip.

12/6/2019 12:00:00 AM
Grab 10% Cashback (up to Rs.250) on booking any Flight, Hotel, or Activity worth Rs.1,500 or more, with your Airtel Payments Bank Wallet or Savings account on Cleartrip.
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Coupon Details

  • TnC: -Visit Cleartrip.com or download the Cleartrip mobile app. -Search & book any International One-way/ Roundtrip Flight. Simply enter coupon code FESTIVE before making the payment. You can avail the offer only once with Net Banking, Credit & Debit card. The eligible instant cashback will be instantly deducted from the total payable amount. Travel Dates: Completely Open.